On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 11:35 +0200, Nicolas Chauvet wrote: 
> > My FAS username is bernie. I've already signed the CLA and applied for
> > the cvsextras group.
> Your account have been sponsored for the cvsextras group in RPM Fusion.

Thank you very much. 

> But please remerber that before overriding maintainer role, you should
> better submit a bug and eventually provide an updated spec file, in
> case of when an update in needed. If the current maintainer fails in
> is role for some reason, then a full time co-maintainership should be
> thought.

Ok. Is contacting the maintainer necessary even for simple rebuilds with
no changes to the spec file other than a revision bump?

Another question: does rpmfusion have a bot or a web interface for
querying maintainers?

> If no answear have given in a reasonable time, then you can consider
> to step in for primary maintainership.
> But if none step in for maintainership of a package, the correct
> answear is to have such package removed.

Ok, understood. I just contacted the person who seems to be the current
maintainer of uade.

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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