There are silent ABI changes from several package coming soon. lame 3.98.4 -> 3.99.4 ffmpeg 0.8.x -> 0.10 vlc 2.0.0-rc -> 2.0.0 Also comes an updated x264 I will rebuilt the dependents packages hopefully tonight for F-18 and submit the same jobs for F-17 once the target is restored. Please note that' I've excluded mplayer from the computation because it currently lacks a maintainer. I will be removed form F-17 and devel repositories. // lame avidemux gstreamer-plugins-ugly k3b-extras-freeworld libquicktime mpd mythtv python-swftools transcode traverso // x264 avidemux gstreamer-plugins-ugly libquicktime // ffmpeg acoustid-fingerprinter alsa-plugins-freeworld audacious-plugins-freeworld chromaprint-tools dvbcut dvdstyler ffmpeg2dirac ffmpeg2theora ffmpegthumbnailer gpac gstreamer-ffmpeg guvcview k3b-extras-freeworld kdemultimedia-extras-freeworld libquicktime lightspark minidlna mlt motion mpd picard-freeworld qmmp-plugins-freeworld transcode vlc wxsvg xine-lib-extras-freeworld xmms2 Nicolas (kwizart)