W dniu 29.10.2012 07:14, Julian Sikorski pisze:
> W dniu 29.10.2012 00:54, Sérgio Basto pisze:
>> On Dom, 2012-10-28 at 21:42 +0100, Julian Sikorski wrote:
>>> Keep in mind that it was 0.147u1 which was built for rawhide, and
>>> 0.147
>>> for F-18. 
>> You haven't test 0.147u1 or other than 0.147 on F-18 builder
>> http://buildsys.rpmfusion.org/logs/fedora-18-rpmfusion_nonfree/ .
>> I don't understand if you are saying that 0.147u1 have a specific
>> problem that makes "memory exhausted", that 0.147 doesn't ? 
> I am not saying that, I am saying that we are not comparing the same
> thing here, so we should be cautious when drawing conclusions.
>> If not, what bigger test build 0.147u1 to F-18 to see if just take about
>> 190 minutes.
> I will do it once mame-0.147 gets pushed to F-18 stable. It got missed
> before which leads to dependency problems.
>> Other suggestion is limit the builder to build one package each time. 
>> Thanks and best regards, 
> Regards,
> Julian
I filed this into bugzilla:


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