--- Comment #53 from Karel Volný <> 2013-06-11 11:59:02 CEST 
(In reply to comment #52)
> 2 - In my 12 years of Unix experience, I did not encounter such a PDF file.

call yourself lucky, but some of us are getting broken PDFs every here and
there (e.g. from the government when trying to do taxes in Czech rep.)

> Assuming such a file exist (I am very curious to see this PDF file.

really? - then ping me via email asking for the file
(I see no point in attaching it here)

> It makes me wonder how Windows fonts can make a document look better.
> <rant>I guess I am tortured enough at work every day by those Windows
> fonts</rant>)

the problem is not whether the font itself looks ugly, there are problems with
missing characters and with different character placements and sizes

note this is a problem not just with PDFs, but with almost any document created
by ignorant Windows users by their ignorant Windows tools

> can one not ask the PDF creator/distributor to provide a proper PDF file?

I've tried, spending my time learning about PDF specifications and pointing to
exact paragraphs their software does not obey

guess what was that worth ...

> Having the infinitesimal probability of accidentally installing Windows fonts
> on my Linux box irritates me enough.

have you ever heard about blacklisting packages, e.g. by adding "exclude=..."
to yum.conf? :-)

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