
On Wednesday 10 July 2013 at 10:51:44, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> I took a look at kaffeine as found in F19 yesterday, and it is still
> using xine-lib (and does rebuild fine against the xine-lib 1.2.3 rpm I
> prepared). A quick glance at upstream sources showed there are now an
> mplayer and vlc backend too, but it seems vlc is the default. iirc,
> there was also a gstreamer backend at some point, but I don't see it
> anymore. I don't know how to build another backend than the default one.
> Also, latest release is 2 years old.
> Do you know more about kaffeine status and would you have any advice on
> the way forward ?

Last I checked, Kaffeine upstream had, in their git repository at git.kde.org, 
moved from xine-lib to VLC to MPlayer and back to VLC, each time dropping 
support for the previous backend and not getting any closer to a release. As 
far as I can see, not much has changed in upstream git since then. (Is the 
main upstream maintainer secretly preparing yet another backend switch? Or a 
release of what's there now? Or is the project just dying? I have no idea.)

So I think the plan for Kaffeine should be to just move the current (old) 
Kaffeine release to RPM Fusion along with xine-lib.

        Kevin Kofler

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