On Qua, 2013-09-18 at 22:53 +1000, David Timms wrote: 
> On 18/09/13 17:35, Ankur Sinha wrote:
> > On Wed, 2013-09-18 at 15:32 +1000, Ankur Sinha wrote: It'll need a 
> > review though. Should I file a bug and add these as attachments?
> Check for an existing 'upgrade the package/broken dependency/ffmpeg
> /fail to build from source etc' bug first, and if it doesn't already
> exist, you can create a new bug.
> Do not attach SRPM to the bug. Attach a diff -u from the original spec
> to the upgraded spec file. Then the package maintainer can more easily
> review the patch, apply the patch and so forth.
> If this a package that you would like to help maintain going forward,
> and you are already a Fedora packager, you can request to co-maintain
> the package. You would then work with the existing maintainer to
> decide who has time to look at bugs/upgrades etc..
> You mention a successful build. Have you been able to test if the
> build actually runs / works etc ?

we need compile new gpac 0.5.0 package against new ffmpeg , but doesn't
build due a problem in a define [1] that I don't understand if a gcc
incompatibility or what . 
After you can rebuild x264, and after that all dependencies , If you
build a koji server and put there sources with cvstogit  of Ken Dreyer ,
I could try help you ... 

[1] my stupid fix.patch 
--- gpac/src/utils/downloader.c.orig    2013-09-02 01:41:55.868809230
+++ gpac/src/utils/downloader.c 2013-09-02 01:42:19.945048582 +0100
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@


+#define GF_DOWNLOAD_AGENT_NAME         "GPAC"
//let's be agressive with socket buffer size
#define GF_DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE                131072
#define GF_WAIT_REPLY_SLEEP    20

Sérgio M. B.

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