
there are some bugs related to the move to the new infrastructure but
are mostly some FTBFS problems ... did I give up going through them too early, before discovering information I need?

We should try to fix FTBFS in CVS devel (F21), what FTBFS and bugs are
you talking about ? Bugzilla is the same as ever

this list (blocking bugs for this)
which I believed should be what blocks finishing F22 and moving forward to F23

but probably I got things wrong ... sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention last months as we struggled with RHEL 6.7 and RHSCL 2.0 tasks and I also had some housing related issues to solve which left almost zero time for working on Fedora & al.


Karel Volný
QE BaseOs/Daemons Team
Red Hat Czech, Brno
tel. +420 532294274
(RH: +420 532294111 ext. 8262074)
xmpp ka...@jabber.cz
:: "Never attribute to malice what can
::  easily be explained by stupidity."

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