On 21/06/2016 22:11, Stuart Gathman wrote:
> On 06/21/2016 03:48 PM, Mario Blättermann wrote:
>> Don't know about the reasons anymore why libdvdcss is not in
>> rpmfusion... But if you want to have it, consider to enable the repo
>> of Remi Collet:
>> http://rpms.famillecollet.com/
> Probably because of this: http://www.copyright.gov/fedreg/2015/80fr65944.pdf
> As I read it, it is still illegal to watch MPAA DVDs with linux in the
> US (what a lobby!)  And they could go after someone distributing
> software that enables watching MPAA DVDs.  This, of course, goes WAY
> beyond enforcing copyright to my mind, but IANAL. 
RPM Fusion is not based in the US, so US laws don't apply. My
understanding is RPM Fusion servers are located in France and as such,
French laws apply.
The organization hosting the code for libdvdcss is Videolan and it is
also based in France. According to them, libdvdcss is legal in France.


Based on this, I would tend to think libdvdcss could be packaged in RPM
Fusion, but IANAL either.
Maybe Videolan could provide some legal guidance on this possibility ?

In the case RPM Fusion would allow libdvdcss, I'd be happy to submit a
review, but this is probably jumping the gun at this point :-)


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