
On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Nicolas Chauvet <kwiz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For the record EL6 repo is provided as i686 and x86_64 whereas EL7 is
> only provided as x86_64 at this time. This lead to an issue with
> multilib packages in our infra (same as EPEL). So here is the possible
> workaround:
> If there is no specific arched dependencies (either binary only or
> because of limited BR)
> The best way is to build the same package on el6, I will also tag the
> build on el7, so both i686 and x86_64 build from el6 will be available
> on el7.
> This is what I expect to use for libtxc_dxtn (and steam eventually).

There was a discussion to introduce an i686 target for EPEL 7, but
unfortunately there was no progress on that.
Would it be possible to consider the i686 target in EL7 using the
alternative architectures of CentOS in RPMFusion?

This of course would make things diverge a bit from EPEL, where there is no
32 bit target, and some packages would actually stay in EPEL in their 64
bit form.

Tree is here: http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/

Being Steam a 32 bit client, to use the hardware decoding / encoding
features for In-Home streaming it requires a few other packages, depending
on the type of acceleration:

Intel (intel)
Decoding: VA-API

AMD (radeon)
Nvidia (nouveau)
Decoding: VDPAU
libvdpau.i686 mesa-vdpau-drivers.i686

Nvidia (nvidia)
Decoding: VDPAU
xorg-x11-drv-cuda-libs.i686 (on 64 bit it requires a 32 bit

Intel (intel)
Encoding: VA-API

Nvidia (nvidia)
Encoding: CUDA + NVENC
xorg-x11-drv-cuda-libs.i686 (on 64 bit it requires a 32 bit

Of course they are all optional, but from my testing it's all pretty
useless without hardware acceleration.
To the bare minimum, as you pointed out, only libtxc_dxtn is required for
S3 compressed textures by some games.


You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of
the shore (R. W. Emerson).

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