Hi there,

There is an recent discussion to improve the documentation using
generated docs from git
(same as fedora quick-docs or others).

I would like to open this infra task to anyone with the possibility to
hand-over a test vm with admin access to setup the whole process.

The idea is to use the vm to setup the wiki from github remote (or
something else so we can have access easily to post-commit or else).
Ideally I'd like to have

From my side, I'd like to have theses features:
- Using a staging instance/url to have preview (which search engine
indexing disabled in robots.txt).
- RPM Fusion CSS/Skin
- Generation with post-commit or cron (either way)

I have a preference with the Fedora setup of quick-docs (using ansible
already exists).
This wiki should be able to be translated into others languages.
(default to en_US or whatever the browser).
A nice to have feature would be to fetch the existing content in our
wiki to have a mean for automatic conversion.


Nicolas (kwizart)
rpmfusion-developers mailing list -- rpmfusion-developers@lists.rpmfusion.org
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