On Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 11:59 AM Nicolas Chauvet <kwiz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any feedback ?

Short answer:

Thanks for letting us know the plans.  They work for me.

Much longer answer:

i686 is dead, long live i686.

The writing was on the wall for some time regarding i686,
and with Fedora finally dropping the i686 repo (and
dealing with the limited multilib needs using a koji
buildroot), I was actually wondering when RPMFusion
would announce the equivalent thing for F31.

I happen to currently provide a 32-bit Fedora builder
for a OSS project that uses some bits from RPMFusion,
but I was paying a bit of attention, and warned them in
late June (maybe early July?) that if FESCo approved
the changes that that builder would be shutdown
sometime in 2020 when F30 finally goes final EOL.
They were OK with that (not that they really had a
lot of choice).

Thanks for letting us know the plans.  They work for me.

Off topic:

I do wonder a bit as to what will be the reaction
of those using Fedora as their daily driver, but
otherwise do not closely follow the development
process, when they find out they can't upgrade
to F31 on their trust old 32-bit only device (FD: I
still have a 32-bit only laptop sitting on a shelf,
but I have not actually turned it on for a while now).
Probably about the same as when Ubuntu users
try to upgrade to 19.10 (and beyond) in the same
situation.  Or for that matter those intending to
upgrade to macOS catalina which is also putting
the final nail in 32-bit apps (which will, of course,
also impact steam and wine on that platform).
5 stages of grief?  Containerization may only take
one so far.  2019 may be remembered as the
year that 32-bit died?
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