On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 11:19 AM Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski <
domi...@greysector.net> wrote:

> > 1. Can MongoDB live in the non-free repository?
> >
> > I think the problem is that once we package MongoDB we really can't stop
> > people from providing MongoDB as a service, but I'm not a lawyer.
> I'd say this is fine. RPM Fusion is not offering MongoDB as a service
> and the license[1] explicitly says (section 10) distributors are not
> responsible for enforcement (of section 13 in particular). I'm not a
> lawyer though and I'm not responsible for RPM Fusion infra, so it's not
> my decision to make.

Good catch (why I wanted more eyes on it and feedback). That being the case
I'll wait a bit longer for more feedback but it sounds like we *may* be
able to package it for the non-free repository.

Not that I need more packages to maintain... :)

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