Martin Gansser wrote:
> f31 [1]:
> Checking for pkg-config opengl ... no
> Checking for opengl ... yes
> adding -lGL to LIBS_X11
> adding -lGLU to LIBS_X11
> f32[2]:
> Checking for pkg-config opengl ... adding -lOpenGL to LIBS_X11
> yes

So the issue is the use of pkg-config opengl. That new pkg-config module 
does not do what the code (in the handwritten configure) actually expects.
Up to F31, there was no "opengl" pkg-config file at all, so the code falled 
back to the hardcoded list of libraries, but on F32, there is no an "opengl" 
pkg-config file, and it returns -lOpenGL, not -lGL -lGLU.

The problem is that the handwritten configure script invokes this function:

  feature=$(toupper $libname)

  # do not test if disabled from command-line
  if disabled $feature; then
    log "Not checking for $libname"
    disable $feature
    return 1

  disable $feature

  # try pkg-config first
  if enabled pkgconfig; then
     test_library_pc "$subsys" "$libname" && enable "$feature"

  # compile/link test as fallback
  if disabled $feature; then
    test_library_c "$subsys" "$libname" "$hdr" "$lib" "$func" "$inc" &&
      enable $feature

(contained in the script) as follows (line 404, I compacted the spaces):

test_library X11 opengl "GL/glx.h" "-lGL -lGLU" "glXQueryVersion(0,0,0)"

Changing that to:

test_library X11 OpenGL "GL/glx.h" "-lGL -lGLU" "glXQueryVersion(0,0,0)"

(i.e., s/opengl/OpenGL/ in that line) should fix it, because then it will 
look for an OpenGL pkg-config module instead, hopefully not find one 
(because pkg-config is case-sensitive), and then use the "-lGL -lGLU" flags 

The second argument of test_library is only used 1. as the pkg-config module 
name, 2. for the console output, and 3. fully upper-cased as the feature 
name, so it should be safe to change the case to something that does not 
happen to be the name of a wrong pkg-config module (while still mapping to 
the feature name OPENGL).

        Kevin Kofler
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