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Vitaly Zaitsev via rpmfusion-developers wrote:
> On 24/01/2022 17:50, Kevin Kofler wrote:
>> Do you have any idea how we can resolve the issue or should I just go
>> back to building the package on x86_64 only?
> Take a look at the Telegram Desktop hacks:
> https://github.com/rpmfusion/telegram-desktop/blob/master/telegram-desktop.spec#L21-L25

Thank you for the pointer!

With these settings (under %ifarch aarch64):

# the RPM Fusion ARM builder runs out of memory during linking with the full
# setting below, and even with just force_debug_info, so omit all debuginfo
%global debug_config %{nil}
# reduce debug info even for the Qt parts to a minimum
%global optflags %(echo %{optflags} | sed 's/-g /-g1 /')
# tune down SMP to reduce memory use further
%global _smp_build_ncpus 6

I obtained a successful build of qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld on aarch64 in 
5:38:48, less than half the 13:40:15 that chromium-freeworld took. So qt5-
qtwebengine-freeworld is no longer the slowest build in RPM Fusion. :-p

        Kevin Kofler
rpmfusion-developers mailing list -- rpmfusion-developers@lists.rpmfusion.org
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