On Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 11:05 PM Leigh Scott via rpmfusion-developers
<rpmfusion-developers@lists.rpmfusion.org> wrote:
> I don't think a +2 release upgrade is a valid test case, I believe f37
> is SHA256 signed.

Fedora officially supports a +2 release upgrade, and
for reasons[0][1], some people only upgrade to N when
N-2 is about to go off support, since there is a one
month overlap, so some people will want to upgrade
from F36 to F38 (more than 2, it is recommended to
go in smaller steps).

[0] I am guessing they want something approaching
stability without being willing to go to the centos
level of stability.

[1] I might be the exception, but I tend to upgrade
a few of my systems to N-next as soon as the beta
is released, and the rest of my systems at about
the time of the final N compose packages make
it to the mirrors, so I don't need to worry about
+2 upgrades, only +1 upgrades.
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