Ankur Sinha via rpmfusion-developers wrote:
> I upgraded here, so maybe I've done this in the past and it's still
> there. I see this in my qutebrowser config:
> ```
> ppapi-widevine-path=/opt/google/chrome/
> ```

So you have the proprietary google-chrome installed? That includes the DRM 
blob, and I guess it is one of the locations the QtWebEngine looks for it by 

If you want just Widevine without all of Google Chrome, then it is a game of 
finding and extracting the blob manually.

I do not have Widevine at all, which means things like Netflix are just 
going to fail with an error message.

> If there's a way to get the list or test out the supported codecs, I can
> do that and report back.

I assume at least H.264 works or Netflix would probably not work, would it?

Though have you tried it with the FFmpeg from Fedora or only with the one 
from RPM Fusion? (In principle, both should support H.264 decoding, the one 
from Fedora through dlopened OpenH264 with a downstream Fedora patch, the 
one from RPM Fusion through the built-in decoder in FFmpeg.)

        Kevin Kofler
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