Revision: 530

Author:   lgautier
Date:     2008-05-22 13:29:40 -0700 (Thu, 22 May 2008)

Log Message:
Tests for Numeric, numpy, and numarray

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/rpy_nextgen/rpy/rinterface/tests/
--- branches/rpy_nextgen/rpy/rinterface/tests/ 
2008-05-21 20:17:38 UTC (rev 529)
+++ branches/rpy_nextgen/rpy/rinterface/tests/ 
2008-05-22 20:29:40 UTC (rev 530)
@@ -1,10 +1,26 @@
 import unittest
 import itertools
 import rpy2.rinterface as rinterface
-import Numeric
+    import Numeric
+    has_Numeric = True
+except ImportError:
+    hasNumeric = False
+    import numpy
+    has_Numpy = True
+except ImportError:
+    hasNumpy = False
+    import numarray
+    has_Numarray = True
+except ImportError:
+    has_Numarray = False
     #FIXME: can starting and stopping an embedded R be done several times ?
@@ -13,35 +29,64 @@
 def floatEqual(x, y, epsilon = 0.00000001):
     return abs(x - y) < epsilon
+def testArrayStructInt(self, numericModule):
+    px = [1,-2,3]
+    x = rinterface.SexpVector(px, rinterface.INTSXP)
+    nx = numericModule.asarray(x)
+    self.assertEquals('i', nx.typecode())
+    for orig, new in itertools.izip(px, nx):
+        self.assertEquals(orig, new)
+    self.assertTrue(False)
+def testArrayStructDouble(self, numericModule):
+    px = [1.0, -2.0, 3.0]
+    x = rinterface.SexpVector(px, rinterface.REALSXP)
+    nx = numericModule.asarray(x)
+    self.assertEquals('f', nx.typecode())
+    for orig, new in itertools.izip(px, nx):
+        self.assertEquals(orig, new)
+    self.assertTrue(False)
+def testArrayStructComplex(self, numericModule):
+    px = [1+2j, 2+5j, -1+0j]
+    x = rinterface.SexpVector(px, rinterface.CPLXSXP)
+    nx = numericModule.asarray(x)
+    self.assertEquals('D', nx.typecode())
+    for orig, new in itertools.izip(px, nx):
+        self.assertEquals(orig, new)
+    self.assertTrue(False)
 class SexpVectorNumericTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testArrayStructInt(self):
-        px = [1,-2,3]
-        x = rinterface.SexpVector(px, rinterface.INTSXP)
-        nx = Numeric.asarray(x)
-        self.assertEquals('i', nx.typecode())
-        for orig, new in itertools.izip(px, nx):
-            self.assertEquals(orig, new)
-        self.assertTrue(False)
-    def testArrayStructDouble(self):
-        px = [1.0, -2.0, 3.0]
-        x = rinterface.SexpVector(px, rinterface.REALSXP)
-        nx = Numeric.asarray(x)
-        self.assertEquals('f', nx.typecode())
-        for orig, new in itertools.izip(px, nx):
-            self.assertEquals(orig, new)
-        self.assertTrue(False)
+    def testArrayStructNumericInt(self):
+        testArrayStructInt(self, Numeric)
-    def testArrayStructComplex(self):
-        px = [1+2j, 2+5j, -1+0j]
-        x = rinterface.SexpVector(px, rinterface.CPLXSXP)
-        nx = Numeric.asarray(x)
-        self.assertEquals('D', nx.typecode())
-        for orig, new in itertools.izip(px, nx):
-            self.assertEquals(orig, new)
-        self.assertTrue(False)
+    def testArrayStructNumpyInt(self):
+        testArrayStructInt(self, numpy)
+    def testArrayStructNumarrayInt(self):
+        testArrayStructInt(self, numarray)
+    def testArrayStructNumericDouble(self):
+        testArrayStructDouble(self, Numeric)
+    def testArrayStructNumpyDouble(self):
+        testArrayStructDouble(self, numpy)
+    def testArrayStructNumarrayDouble(self):
+        testArrayStructDouble(self, numarray)
+    def testArrayStructNumericComplex(self):
+        testArrayStructComplex(self, Numeric)
+    def testArrayStructNumpyComplex(self):
+        testArrayStructComplex(self, numpy)
+    def testArrayStructNumarrayComplex(self):
+        testArrayStructComplex(self, numarray)
 #     def testArrayStructBoolean(self):
 #         px = [True, False, True]
 #         x = rinterface.SexpVector(px, rinterface.REALSXP)

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