Carlos J. Anderson wrote:
> I'm using version 2.0.0rc1.

Update to the released 2.0.0 should probably be the first thing to consider.

> I think that Marcos's suggestion (thanks!) that R is converting my 
> strings to factors is correct.

which is in the man page for R's read.table()

> I just need to figure out how to convert 
> them back to strings.

One way is to use R's as.character().

> Seems like my problem is more of an R issue than 
> an rpy2 issue.  Still, I wonder how print() is able to properly pull out
> the correct strings.
> -- Carlos
> Laurent Gautier wrote:
>>> Thanks for your quick response, Laurent. I tried your suggestions and 
>>> they worked, but there's still one problem. One of my columns are 
>>> strings, but when I use the ".r[" operator, I get a list of numbers 
>>> AND the list of strings. I have no idea what the numbers represent. 
>>> When I type data.r["V4"] I get something like this:
>>> structure(list(V4 = structure(c(17L, 17L, ...), .Label = c("string1", 
>>> "string2", ...), class = "factor")), .Names = "V4", class = 
>>> "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -39L))
>> What version of rpy2 are you using ?
>> The __repr__() method was changed shortly before the release in order 
>> to something giving a more compact output.
>>> I typed the "..." to avoid too many details (also, I changed my 
>>> actual strings to "string1", "string,", etc). I'm not sure what this 
>>> structure means, but I just want to get the strings as a list. Oddly 
>>> enough, when I type print(data), it correctly prints out the strings, 
>>> not the numbers.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Carlos
>>> Quoting "Laurent Gautier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>  > Edit to the PS in my previous post:
>>>  >
>>>  > I did have the time to make RVectors use R's "[".
>>>  >
>>>  > use ".r[", e.g. dataf.r['Var1']
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > L.
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > Carlos Jesus Anderson wrote:
>>>  >> Hi, How may I convert an RDataFrame into Python objects? I used the
>>>  >> read.table function in R to read in data (from Python), but now I
>>>  >> want to treat the data as Python objects, like a dictionary or a set
>>>  >> of lists. I don't want to work with RVectors. Thanks, Carlos
>>>  >>
>>>  >>
>>>  >> 
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