
Please first upgrade to a recent version of rpy2. The latest release is
2.8.1, and 2.8.2 should be few days away.



On Fri, Jul 8, 2016, 7:59 PM Csima, Gabriella <
gabriella.cs...@metoffice.gov.uk> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have just join this mailing group, so sorry about my mail, if it is not
> like those ones you used to read. Beside this I am totally new user of
> rpy2, so I might have very common questions as well. Naturally, before I
> join the group, I have read many links & pages where I tried to find the
> answer to my problems. Many of them were answered, but I still have a lot.
> Recently, I received a  task to find out
> 1.       how we could use R (mainly the SpatialVx package) in our
> verification Python library, which is used for handling (stat & plots)
> verification data,
> 2.       how to handle the Python iris cubes with this system (how to
> plot or make statistics, or use the SpatialVx package in it)
> 3.       and I need to document inside our Python library (Documentation
> & Examples, so in IPython notebook) that I found, in order for using by my
> colleagues.
> Immediately after starting the search, I found the rpy2 that I could find
> in our environment as well, so, based on the net, I started to write some
> basic rpy2 programs. In the very first day, I have bump into some problem,
> like I cannot run
> stats = importr('stats')
> because it gives an error: “The symbol format_perc in the package "stats"
> is conflicting with a Python object attribute”.
> I have found this problem in several places, but for me, it seemed, that
> the remedy of this problem is to download the rpy2 or R or the Python, or
> all of them again, or use a new version of them.
> My problem, in my workplace, I cannot do any of these.
> Now, I am going to write you what we have – so what I can use:
> R:                            version 3.2.2
> Python:                version 2.7.6
> Rpy2:                     version 2.4.2
> Apart from some problem (like stats package), I could run a few basic
> stats and plotting programs. I thought, I am going to start to document in
> parallel. To tell the truth, I have never made any documentation and have
> never used the IPYthon. When I started to put one of my correctly running
> programs into an IPython notebook, the plotting parts did not do what I
> need to do. Looking at several “rpy2&IPython” links, I could solve several
> problems of mine, but I still have some.
> E.g.: one of my 3d plot did not appear inside the notebook, but in a
> different window, that I could not even delete:
> **********
> import iris
> import numpy as np
> %load_ext rpy2.ipython
> cube = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path(air_temp.pp))
> x=np.arange(1,74,1)
> y=np.arange(1,97,1)
> z=cube.data
> %%R
> library(rgl)
> library(gplots)
> plot3dperscolFunc = function(x,y,z){
> c=z
> c = cut(c, breaks=85)
> colsrich = rich.colors(85)[as.numeric(c)]
> r3dDefaults$windowRect <- c(0,50, 800, 800)
> persp3d(x, y, z, col=colsrich, size=2)
> #rgl.snapshot("myplot.png")
> }
> %Rpush x y z
> %R plot3dperscolFunc(x,y,z)
> *****************
> I thoungt, I can learn many things first in the rpy2 manuals, and mainly
> the graphics (not in the IPyton aspects, but just the normal rpy2):
> Like:
> http://rpy2.readthedocs.io/en/version_2.8.x/graphics.html
> I started to run everything line by line, but immediately, in making the
> first plot, I have failed, so I cannot even run these examples. It can be
> because of the fact that we have much older version, but I became very
> confused, what to do, how to do, how to handle the rpy2, the IPython, which
> help should I read and I should not...etc.
> If anyone could give me some guideline what to do, how to handle my
> problems, or give some general advices, I would  appreciate it.
> Kind regards,
> Gabi
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