
My name is Daniel Abramowicz and I'm involved in a project called Oasis2
(http://csd.ssvl.kth.se/~csd2006-team12/) at KTH (the Royal Institute of
Technology in Sweden).

We will use the RRDTool for collecting statistics from devices, mainly
switches I think.

The problem we see with using RRDTool, though it is a really great tool,
is the marshalling/unmarshalling of variables. We also need a proper
interface in C to use for creating RRDbs.

I'm not myself still totally clear on what needs to be done but as I
understood we need to modify the code that already exists for the C API.
The main-like functions (int argc, char **argv) are the one which creates
this problem with marshalling...

Maybe someone already seen this problem? and have some hints..?

Maybe someone is interested in this and might want to help?

Daniel Abramowicz

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