Hi Tobias,

I have decided to build a separate tool, later on, once in a good  
working state, we can look if we (you) want to integrate it into  
rrdtool. I'm trying to keep it as near as possible of the rrdtool  
(1.2 branch) code and I rely on rrd.h and rrd_format.h. Except the  
two files named above, I wrote the rest myself.

I will just do a short presentation of the tool, its name is  
rrd_manip aka manipulate RRD files.

usage: rrd_manip [-i format] [-I file] [-o format] [-O file] <tool>  
[tool options]

-I/O optional input/output files. (defaults to stdin/stdout)
-i/o optional input/output format. Can be rrd,xml or text (defaults  
to rrd)

<tool> list:

  - convert, basicly does nothing, read the file in input format  
(update the RRD Version to RRD_VERSION) and write it to the output  
  - drop_ds <DSname> [DSname] ... removes DSname(s) from the input  
file and write to output.
  - drop_rra <RRAid> [RRAid] ... same as drop_ds but for RRAs.
  - add_ds <DSname> <type> <heartbeat> <min> <max>, merge a new DS  
with the input file and write to the output file.
  - add_rra <cf> <pdp> <xff>, same as add_ds for for RRAs.

So far I have the two drop functions working.

Oh, I almost forgot. All those features are in a lib and are thread  
safe and C89 ;)

In short, you load the file in a supported format, apply 'things' on  
it, and write it to a supported format.

I will probably change the syntax to allow multiple actions at once:
cat some.rrd | ./rrd_manip drop_ds dsone,dstwo drop_rra 0,4 add_ds  
newds,COUNTER,600,0,1000 > somenew.rrd

Some examples:

cat manyDS.rrd | ./rrd_manip drop_ds error_in error_out packets_in  
packets_out > fewDS.rrd

There is user (user of the lib) selectable verbosity, useful for  

./rrd_manip -I IdontExist.rrd -o text convert
ERROR: main.c:184 -> rrd_manip.c:187 [failed to open file]

main.c:184 is where I call the lib function and rrd_manip.c:187 is  
where the error occured in the lib.
You can also disable this to get a very simple and short error message.

I'm not yet finished, that's why I wont go too far in lib  
documentation/explanation and so, I just wanted to show globally the  
features ideas.

PS: Tobias, can you explain me how your FLOAT_COOKIE is working? I  
did not find anything changing it from one platform to another and as  
far as I understood, its fixed in the code. huh? I dont get it.. help ;)


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