On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 09:33 -0400, Haroon Rafique wrote:
> On Yesterday at 4:08pm, JW=>Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> JW> The current python bindings are a bit broken... A simple 'python -c
> JW> "import rrdtool"' fails like so:
> JW> 
> JW> Traceback (most recent call last):
> JW>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> JW> ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (initrrdtool)
> JW> 
> JW> However, the fix is pretty simple (and looks like it was partially 
> JW> attempted, but not fully implemented). Please see the attached patch 
> JW> from Mihai Ibanescu, one of my cohorts here at Red Hat.
> JW> 
> Hi Jarod,
> This is the exact same problem as mentioned in the list earlier in these 2 
> messages:
> http://lists.ee.ethz.ch/rrd-users/msg11466.html
> http://lists.ee.ethz.ch/rrd-users/msg11511.html
> And, BTW, Mihai's patch looks like it reverts the changeset 839:
> http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/rrdtool-trac/changeset/839
> The commit message on the changeset mentions Duncan Webb.
>   * python uses the name of the module for loding, so this should better 
>     match up -- Duncan Webb duncan dwebb
> Can Duncan perhaps jump into the discussion, please?
Indeed, I'd like to understand exactly what changeset 839 was supposed
to be fixing, and why the 'fix' apparently wasn't tested... For now, I'm
applying a patch to the Fedora Extras packages to simply revert it.

Jarod Wilson

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