Hey Tobi,

My apologies, I'm way behind on my inbox... Belated replies inlined below...

Tobias Oetiker wrote:
> Jarod,
> I have applied your patch to rrdtool/trunk/contrib/php4 but I think
> we should resolve the php4 sytuation by moving stuff into rrdtool
> propper (aka the bindings directory)

Looks like an 'svn add' was missed for rrdtool_logo.h before committing 
though. :)

> I am not realy into php, so if you want to take a swing at it, this
> would be great ... the idea as always is that the default is to put
> the module into the rrdtool install tree with the option of having
> it thrown into the php module pool (or whatever it is called) ...

Okay, I'll see what I can do on this front when I have some time, but 
I'm all tied up with other stuff for at least another week or two.

> Yesterday Jarod Wilson wrote:
>> As mentioned earlier, I've got a patch I've been throwing on top of the
>> svn php code for the Fedora rrdtool RPMS. Of course, I can't rightly
>> recall exactly what went wrong without the patch now (I'll give that a
>> look soonish). But there's the php code in svn and the php code in the
>> contrib directory:
>> http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/pub/contrib/php_rrdtool.tgz
>> There are some significant differences between the two, and when I first
>> put together the patch I'm using, the tarball linked above was more
>> up-to-date, so far as I could tell -- some of the php changes from
>> Bernhard recently checked in were already in that tarball. So should the
>> remaining differences be pulled in as well, and/or the tarball above be
>> removed?
>> Patch attached for reference, rebased against the latest svn trunk...

Jarod Wilson

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