Hello Kevin ,
        Ok ,  I grabbed 1.3.7 & compiled it & installed .
        I still have the mrtg-2.16.2 executable in place as mrtg-ORIG & tried 
that .
        I had a successful manual run using the test to-rtr01.cfg ,  no 
lingering *.cfg_l* file(s) .
        But on running it a second manual run I get those lingering *.cfg_l* 
file(s) ,  Output below of a mrtg --debug ...

        There still is the 'SegFault' which isn't very good ,  which 
cause the lingering files .

        I'll try getting you the rest of the data you requested .

                Tia ,  JimL

# rm /var/www/htdocs/router2cgi/cfg/*_l_* ; /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg-ORIG 
rm: cannot remove `/var/www/htdocs/router2cgi/cfg/*_l_*': No such file or 
--time: prog start Tue Apr  7 09:56:42 2009
--base: Creating Lockfiles 
--base: Reading Config File: /var/www/htdocs/router2cgi/cfg/to-rtr01.cfg
--base: Reading Interface Config cache
--base: Checking Config File
--base: Loading RRD support
--base: Loading default Locale
--base: Starting main Loop
--time: loop start Tue Apr  7 09:56:42 2009
--base: Populate Target object by polling SNMP and external Datasources
--time: snmp read start Tue Apr  7 09:56:42 2009
--snpo: run snmpget from ifInOctets&ifOutOctets:6...@i#nb$@to-rtr01
--snpo: simple If: .1
--snpo: simple If: .1
--snpo: SNMPGet from 6...@i#nb$@to-rtr01: -- ifInOctets.1,ifOutOctets.1
--snpo: SNMPfound -- '316328040', '1294124291'
--snpo: run snmpget from ifInOctets&ifOutOctets:6...@i#nb$@to-rtr01
--snpo: simple If: .2
--snpo: simple If: .2
--snpo: SNMPGet from 6...@i#nb$@to-rtr01: -- ifInOctets.2,ifOutOctets.2
--snpo: SNMPfound -- '904537115', '4203066052'
--snpo: run snmpget from ifInOctets&ifOutOctets:6...@i#nb$@to-rtr01
--snpo: simple If: .3
--snpo: simple If: .3
--snpo: SNMPGet from 6...@i#nb$@to-rtr01: -- ifInOctets.3,ifOutOctets.3
--snpo: SNMPfound -- 'undef', 'undef'
--snpo: run snmpget from 
--snpo: simple If: .1
--snpo: simple If: .1
--snpo: SNMPGet from 6...@i#nb$@to-rtr01: -- 
--snpo: SNMPfound -- '18013', 'undef'
--snpo: run snmpget from 
--snpo: simple If: .2
--snpo: simple If: .2
--snpo: SNMPGet from 6...@i#nb$@to-rtr01: -- 
--snpo: SNMPfound -- 'undef', 'undef'
--snpo: run snmpget from 
--snpo: simple If: .3
--snpo: simple If: .3
--snpo: SNMPGet from 6...@i#nb$@to-rtr01: -- 
--snpo: SNMPfound -- 'undef', 'undef'
--time: target loop start Tue Apr  7 09:56:42 2009
--base: Act on Router/Target to-rtr01_1
--base: Get Current values: in:316328040, out:1294124291, up:undef, name:undef, 
--base: Create Graphics
--base: start RRDtool section
--base: maxi:48000, maxo:48000
--log: RRDs::tune(/var/www/htdocs/router2cgi/graphs/to-rtr01/to-rtr01_1.rrd -a 
ds0:48000 -a ds1:48000 -d ds0:COUNTER -d ds1:COUNTER)
--prof: RRDs::tune /var/www/htdocs/router2cgi/graphs/to-rtr01/to-rtr01_1.rrd - 
--log: RRDs::update(/var/www/htdocs/router2cgi/graphs/to-rtr01/to-rtr01_1.rrd, 
Segmentation fault

r...@dsb-mntr01:~/bin# dir /var/www/htdocs/router2cgi/cfg/*to*rtr01*
12 -rw-r--r-- 1 root apache 11813 2009-04-02 12:15 
  0 -rw-r--r-- 2 root root       0 2009-04-07 09:56 
  0 -rw-r--r-- 2 root root       0 2009-04-07 09:56 
  0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 2009-04-07 09:52 

| James   W.   Laferriere | System    Techniques | Give me VMS     |
| Network&System Engineer | 2133    McCullam Ave |  Give me Linux  |
| bab...@baby-dragons.com | Fairbanks, AK. 99701 |   only  on  AXP |

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