I'm new to rrd and don't remember much from High School math, so don't
slam me "too" bad for not using the correct syntax and terms...


So, I use nTop a lot and it uses the STACK function which kinda annoys
me.  Ie: let's say it graphs http and ftp util on the same graph.  Let's
say http is 75Mbs and ftp is 25Mbs.  http appears to be using 100Mb/s;
75+25.  I want to change this such that http is "behind" ftp so when I
look across at the y-axis values I'm not mislead.


I could switch it to LINE pretty easy, right?  But - I like the AREA.
So, do I have to order the... "objects" to be graphed on my own, or will
rrd automagically put the lower values "in front" of the higher ones?
Ie: from my example above, would I graph http first with AREA, then ftp
with AREA - and will this work?  I guess what I'm getting at, if I have
a 25Mb AREA and I draw a 75Mb AREA, what will the graph look like?  Will
the 25Mb be visible?


If it's too much hassle I'll just stick to the LINE and be done with it.
OR - If I could label the y-axis separately for each object being
STACKED - that might be coold too, although probably too much hassle.


I guess another question is, even if the AREA can overlay each other,
what happens when the values switch?  Ie: http=75 and ftp=25 for 60
mins, then suddenly ftp=75 and http=25.  Then what happens?  Magically
go opaque or something?








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