You may find multiple options here:


Larry Adams
aka TheWitness

Larry Adams wrote:
> It's been available for years.  It's called "rrdtool dump" and then the 
> reverse.
> nataklug wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am new to the list but I am using RRD for 4 years now. I use it only for
>> my networks control purposes but I am with a problem. I have a bunch of
>> database files that were created on i386 systems. Now my RRD server is
>> running x86_64 system and it is not compatible.
>> My question is: is there any solution to recover data from my old i386 files
>> and put it back into my new x86_64 files?
>> Waiting for answers...
>> PS.: I am not a good developer but I can handle some shell scripts on linux
>> if its needed.
>> Att,
>> Nataniel Klug
>> Brazil
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