Hi Mark,

Today Mark Plaksin wrote:

> Hi:
> I'd like to be able to detect anomalies via the command-line.  I have
> begun to explore Holt-Winters, PREDICT, etc.  They can all display
> anomalies in a graph.  But I think Holt-Winters is the only one that
> will let me get at the data on the command-line via rrdfetch.  Is that
> true?
> Maybe this question is essentially the same as my previous question
> about getting graph data without the graph [1] :)  In that thread Dan
> Cech mentions using rrdgraph in "report" mode.  But IIUC you can't
> report a series of numbers, just a single number.  That is, you can't
> print the result of a DEF or a CDEF.
> Am I missing anything?  Are there any plans to make it easier to get at
> raw data?  I think the prediction and anomaly-detection features would
> get used more if they could be scripted.  As is, I can't possibly look
> all of the graphs once a day (or week or month :) to find anomalies.
> And, of course, thanks for rrdtool--it's awesome!

the trick is to use rrdtool updatev then you will see what data
gets added to the HW RRAs as it happens ...


> Footnotes:
> [1]  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.db.rrdtool.devel/3427/
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