Preface:  newbie to rrdtool.  Veteran MRTG user.

I'm using ucd-smnp to poll ifInOctets and ifOutOctets stats from my Cisco
7507.  Then, I pass the information to rrdtool update.

However, when I generate the graph it doesn't appear to have converted the
bytes to bits, so the graph axis displays as 1/8th the actual traffic
volumes.  I've been trying to generate a MRTG style graph as a starting
point to branching out into exploring other things to do with rrd.  Is there
a conversion switch that I'm overlooking in the create, update, and/or graph
process?  I used the create outlined in the Tutorial as indicated would
produce an MRTG style graph.  

Since ifInOctets/ifOutOctets obviously is counting in bytes, I'm thinking
that there is a common setting that I'm overlooking...

Thanx in advance.


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