On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 01:04:37AM +0100, Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:
: Fetch does show you the startout value.  This value however is
: describing the period of time that is not inside your query.
: This may be considered a bug or a feature, depending on how you
: look at it.

What I'm saying is its a bug.  If these discrete moments in time
are supposed to be taken not as discrete moments but rather as
representative of entire intervals (which I don't particularly have
a problem with), then the data retrieval methods should be consistent
in that representation.  It makes no sense to request the intervals
for a ten second time period and receive three "intervals" and then
request the average for that time period and find that it only
averages two of those "intervals".

I mean, RRD's confusing enough.

* Philip Molter
* DataFoundry.net
* http://www.datafoundry.net/

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