Today BAARDA, Don wrote:

 | > I already talked to alex about this ... my vision is that we might
 | > use some xml style language to setup the graph ... if we use svg
 | > for describing the graph, we need libxml anyways and would thus
 | > have the parser at hand ... at the moment I am not all to happy
 | > with the excessive command line language of rrdtool graph
 | >
 |      My feeling is that you are mad even trying... focus on the rrd
 | database itself and providing an api for accessing its data, and let
 | third-party tools deal with the graphing bit.
 |      Actually, that's probably exaggerating a bit; the graphing already
 | in RRD is more impressive than many third-party graphing tools. However, I
 | tend to think of the graphing part as separate from rrd itself. It would
 | probably pay separate them more, providing a clean API between them.
 | Currently it is easy to use rrd databases with other graphing tools (thanks
 | to fetch), but not so easy to use rrd's graph feature with other data
 | sources (unless you feed them into an RRD first).
 |      CDEF's are a handy notation for specifying complex combinations of
 | data from different sources, but it seems to me that raw access to this is
 | only available as a "side-affect" of graphing via "print". To me this seems
 | like a handy layer on top of the basic rrd interface that should be separate
 | from the graphing functionality....

ye I agree having the dataprocessing in fetch or wherever might be
more appropriate ... especially for those who want to use the data
elswhere ...

as for improving the graphing ... as you may have noticed from my
websites ... graphics is one of my favorite passtimes ... that is
why I spend so mucht thought on it ...


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