Christian Pearce wrote:

> I am going to say yes.  I am trying to figure out a way of replacing nan
> values with zero.  This is what I tried.
> test=test1,UNKN,EQ,test1,0,IF

According to the rrdtool tutorial, the manual page and the rpn tutorial
this will check: if test1 equals unknown, if so return test1, else 0.
So, the outcome will allways be unknown or zero.

> test=test1,test1,0,IF

This will return test1 if test1 does not equal zero, else it will return

> test=test1,UN,test1,0,IF

See first eqpression.

> I thought the last one would work but to no avail.  The problem I am
> having is I have to add to values together but it is possiable for either
> one of these values to be nan.

Then you should check, and alter if necessary, both variables.
However, you shouldn't say that 123 + an unknown number == 123.
In this case it may be better to make the sum equal to 0 if it is
unknown -->  a,b,+,DUP,UN,EXC,0,EXC,IF

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