Hey all,

        I have a quick question.  Heres the senerio:
        Note: Im graphing  how many pages printed per/half hour from HP
        I create an rrd (filename 1.rrd).
        I use perl's " use RRDs; " command to a create the graph.
        Why do I get different values when I make my start and end times
        over aprox 13days?
         -> If I choose to graph 5 days the max value would be 140 pages.
         -> If I choose to graph 20 days the max value would change to ~70 
         Why does this happen?
         ---------------Heres my create and graph script.------------------
         $time equals the first time in the file.
         RRDs::create("/tmp/1.rrd", "--start", "$time-1", "--step", "1800",

        ----------------Heres how I create the graph-----------------------
        @options=("-l 0","-s $starttime","-e $endtime",
                  "-v pages per half hour",
                  "-h $height","-w $width",
                  "-u 25","-aGIF",
                  "-t $title $currenttime");

            "LINE2:${i}${oida}$colors{$i}:$oida \: ","COMMENT: \t ",
                 "COMMENT:      $printerdevices{$databasename} - AVG",

           "HRULE:$FIXED#FF0590:Base Line $FIXEDLABEL pages",
        RRDs::graph(( -w $fileOutFinal)? $fileOutFinal : $fileOutFinal ,

Clarence Hart
Office: 410-560-4182
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