
    I want to create some graphics from a simple shell like this:

------ Begin Shell ------

OPT="--title \"Test Graph\" \
  -v \"Traffic in bits/sec\" --imgformat PNG --base 1024 -l 0 \
  --interlaced -h 200 -w 500 \
  DEF:out=test.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE \
  DEF:in=test.rrd:ds1:AVERAGE \
  CDEF:down=out,UN,INF,0,IF \
  CDEF:fin=in,8,* \
  CDEF:fout=out,8,* \
  AREA:fout#00cc00:\"Inbound Traffic.\" \
  AREA:down#d0d0d0 \
  LINE1:fin#0000FF:\"Outbound Traffic.\" \
  COMMENT:"\n" \
  COMMENT:"\n" \
  GPRINT:fout:MIN:\"Min In\:  %6.2lf %sbps\" \
  GPRINT:fout:MAX:\"Max In\:  %6.2lf %sbps\" \
  GPRINT:fout:AVERAGE:\"Avg In\:  %6.2lf %sbps\" \
  GPRINT:fout:LAST:\"Current In\:  %6.2lf %sbps\l\" \
  GPRINT:fin:MIN:\"Min Out\: %6.2lf %sbps\" \
  GPRINT:fin:MAX:\"Max Out\: %6.2lf %sbps\" \
  GPRINT:fin:AVERAGE:\"Avg Out\: %6.2lf %sbps\" \
  GPRINT:fin:LAST:\"Current Out\: %6.2lf %sbps\l\" \
  -e 992896202 -s -1d"

../bin/rrdtool  graph  test4.png $OPT

------ End Shell ------

       But, when I run it I got the following error:

               "ERROR: unknown function 'G'"

       If I don't use the OPT variable, it's work fine.

       Any ideas ???

                                   Rodrigo Gesswein P.
"Your life has been what it's been, and is what it is,
 because of who you have been, and who you are being."

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