Jean-Edouard BABIN wrote:

> >> Can draw vertical line every 0H ?
> >> i have not seen anything about this..
> > 
> > There is no command that will repeat itself every midnight.  However,
> > nothing stops you from using multiple VRULE commands.
> > You know what the start and end times are so you can figure out
> > how often 00:00 occurs on your graph.
> yes, but it's not very easy..

   rrdtool .... --end 'jun 30 00:00' --start end-8d ....

so, you know you should loop through 8 days and, because 00:00 happens
to be a boundary, you'll have 9 occurances of midnight.
You can create a script that builds a RRDtool graph script.  In this
script you need 9 (or 7) VRULE commands.

In a pseudo language you'd do:

   $midnight=`date -d "jun 30 00:00" +%s`
   for (i=0;i<9;i++)
        print "VRULE:${midnight}#FF0000"
        midnight -= 86400


   $midnight=`date -d "jun 30 00:00" +%s`
   $midnight -= 86400
   for (i=0;i<7;i++)
        print "VRULE:${midnight}#FF0000"
        midnight -= 86400

This doesn't take daylight saving time into account so don't use
this example as a complete solution!

Another approach:

You can change the default behaviour for the grid.  Draw a major
grid line only at midnight and maybe change its color.

rrdtool graph ....
       --x-grid HOUR:8:DAY:1:DAY:1:86400:%a ....
       --color MGRID#FF0000

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