
Have starting moving some of my mrtg info to rrd and struct
an interesting problem.

I used to graphs CPU usage as the figure * 1000 to get nicer 
graphs.. Thus creating data like 2000, 3000, 4000 etc.
This was fine to fix under mrtg as I can edit the .log file.
Now I have removed the * 1000 data and converted to rrd
log file format. Trying to figure the syntax of the rrd dump
and restore functions has got me stumped. Let alone the 
xml format.

Does anymore have some simple way. I have seen the --range check
which looks perfect but how do I set the "Max Value" of the RRA ?

Make sure the values in the RRAs do not exceed the limits defined 
for the different datasources.

I dont really care what happens to the data thats > 1000 thats 
too old to worry about.. Just that the more recent data that is
< 1000 does not appear on the Yearly graphs..


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