> The create syntax.
>     ./rrdtool create ../data/apollo.webmagix.net.cpugebruik.rrd -s 300 \
>         DS:user:COUNTER:600:0:100 \
>         DS:system:COUNTER:600:0:100 \
>         DS:idle:COUNTER:600:0:100 \
>         RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:288 \
>         RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:336 \
>         RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:360 \
>         RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:365
> The values inserted with the update are seconds (from /proc/stat).  So I
> expected that in the .rrd there would be values with a total of 300 (user
> system + idle = total uptime of the system; iow if I update it every 300
> secs I expect it to be a total of 300 every time) But when I fetch the
> i get stuff like this:
> 1029347700: 1.3564594315e+00 5.9976522702e-02 5.8354189738e-01
> 1029348000: 1.3445628391e+00 5.6877146042e-02 6.0188219993e-01
> 1029348300: 1.3267260498e+00 5.0022853958e-02 6.2326224452e-01
> 1029348600: 1.3333111111e+00 7.3255555556e-02 5.9343333333e-01
> 1029348900: 1.3090513104e+00 4.9912218531e-02 6.3441410114e-01
> Which isn't correct as far as I can see.

rrdtool automatically consolidates the data into "/s" (per second).
That's because you use counter DS's.

So, it should be exactly count up to 1 per second (as you have 1 sec
CPU-time per sec time to share between user/sys/idle)

Your DS's make:   1.3564594315 + 0.0599765227 + 0.58354189738 =~  2.0
You have a dual-cpu system.


Geert van der Ploeg

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