Cooper Nelson wrote:

> I'm working with the current development release.

Good.  Any comments apart from the already known stuff?

> Is there an easy way to graph the difference between the same time 
> period on two seperate RRD's, or two seperate periods within the same 
> RRD?  For example, say I kept 5 minute averages of traffic for 2 months 
> and wanted to plot the difference between now and one month ago.

Not *yet* but it is on the todo list.  Unfortunately there currently
is no(t much) progress.

> I'm thinking CDEF could do this, but I'm unsure how to get started. 
>  Could I just create a DEF for a one week period a month ago then 
> subtract that from a plain datasource DEF?

That won't work yet.  When SHIFT is implemented, it will.

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