Sorry for the cross post but not exactly sure who to address this do.
Trying to migrate from MRTG to MRTG --> RRD-Tool

Followed the directions on the MRTG site (and even a couple other sites
linked off mrtg and rrdtool sites) but when I use 14all.cgi, fails to
present graph any information (empty graphs).

Below is my mrtg.cfg and the rrd database .... tried use rrtool fetch on the
database and not even sure anything is even being logged. (for example
1031702400: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000 .... looks to me both DS0
and DS1 counters are ZERO ).

Any ideas?  Thanks,


Below is my setup:

##### System #######

W2K Server SP3
Activestate Perl 5.6.533
rrdtool: 1.0.39
MRTG: 2.9.22 (this works correctly ... made sure of this before migrating)
FireDaemon 1.5 (for MRTG service)

###### mrtg.cfg ################
# NOTE: PHP is not the actual PHP install folder .. its just an odd folder
naming choice on it

RunAsDaemon: yes
Interval: 5
Refresh: 300
WorkDir:  e:/php/rrt
ImageDir: e:/php/rrt
Options[_]: growright, unknaszero, noarrow, nobanner
WithPeak[_]: wmy
PathAdd: e:/rrdtool/bin
LibAdd:  e:/rrdtool/perl-shared
LogFormat: rrdtool

### Interface 16777219 >> Descr: 'Intel 8255x-based Integrated Fast
Ethernet^@' | Name: '' | Ip: '13' | Eth: '00-b0-d0-ea-3a-e8' ###

Target[]: 16777219:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
SetEnv[]: MRTG_INT_IP=""
MRTG_INT_DESCR="Intel 8255x-based Integr
ated Fast Ethernet^@"
MaxBytes[]: 12500000
Title[]: Traffic Analysis for 16777219 -- CBSWS
PageTop[]: <h1>Traffic Analysis for 16777219 --
   <tr><td>System:</td>     <td>CBSWS in CBS - 1340C</td></tr>
<td>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</td></tr>
   <tr><td>Description:</td><td>Intel 8255x-based Integrated Fast Ethernet^@
   <tr><td>ifType:</td>     <td>ethernetCsmacd (6)</td></tr>
   <tr><td>ifName:</td>     <td></td></tr>
   <tr><td>Max Speed:</td>  <td>12.5 MBytes/s</td></tr>
   <tr><td>Ip:</td>         <td>

###### rrdtool fetch (partially cut for brevity)

                      ds0           ds1

1031700300: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031700600: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031700900: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031701200: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031701500: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031701800: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031702100: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031702400: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031702700: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031703000: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031703300: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031703600: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031703900: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031704200: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031704500: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031704800: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031705100: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031705400: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000
1031705700: -1.#IND000000e+000 -1.#IND000000e+000

## Attached actual rrd db ##

## If so some reason somebody thinks it the 14all.cgi setup though I doubt
this one ##

use lib qw(e:/mrtg/lib/mrtg2);
$cfgfile = 'e:/mrtg/bin/mrtg.cfg';

Any help would be apreciated.



Peter Thoenen - Systems Programmer
Commercial Communications
Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo

"Stumbled Upon"...heh (Score:5, Funny) /.
by $carab on 23:00 23 August 2002 (#4131637)

"ForensicTec officials said they stumbled upon the military networks about
two months ago, while checking on network security for a private-sector

Someone new to a Dvorak probably tried to type in "lynx"; but instead got "nmap -v -p 1-1024 -sS -P0
-T paranoid".

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