++ 19/09/02 00:55 +0200 - Alex van den Bogaerdt:
>Then you're *not* doing the right thing.  You are saying that
>it is OK for updates to be 9 hours apart.  If you update

I'll reply to your complete message after some more better reading and
some more testing.

>> >That's mili.  One article in a minute results in 1/60 articles per
>> >second which will be displayed as 16.667 mili-articles per second.
>> Ok. So, so if I want to have it displayed as articles per second I have
>> to add the line "CDEF:art_avg_2=art_avg,60,*" to the graph? If, at a
>no.  You *are* seeing articles per second already.

That was a typo. I wanted to say "so if I want to have it displayed as
articles per minute I have to add the line [...]". Sorry.

>> Thank you! I have probably some more days to go before the results are
>> the way I want them, bit this is looking promissing...
>Please do share an URL for us to view.  Maybe even accompanied by
>some scripts and INN config.  This will help others to do the job.

Sure. As soon as it is running well I will share all of the stuff,
including a explanation.

# Rejo Zenger
# [EMAIL PROTECTED], pgp: see headers, http://www.xs4all.nl/~sister

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