Kaixo Stephan Harren!!!

 Thanks for answering so fast......

> Use a little intelligent Perl-Script that lowers the counters for that 
> portion of time for inserting. After that portion insert a NaN instead 
> of the real counter (which will be obviously much higher than the 
> reduced one) to make the rrd start calculating from scratch so that you 
> won't get a strange peak.

 Can you tell me a bit more about that perl script?????

 Thanks for the tip of NaN.........

 How can i insert a NaN in the rrdtool update time:NaN:NaN...this way????

 I have been looking at the counters list and a do NOT see that peak!!!

 I can send the portion of list...... if any want.......

> If that's for customer traffic, I wouldn't do that ...

 The problem is that a worm (slapper) was causing a lot of traffic... :-(

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