I am using the following CFG file to monitor how many concurrent users I
have on my 3com TotalControl box.  I'm most interested in what the peak
amount of users are on a daily basis.

I have a full T1 dedicated to this box, and I'm trying to prove that we only
need about 12 channels ,Then I can use the other channels in my PBX.

If there is anyone else doing this I would appreciate it if they would
verify my configuration file and make suggestions on improving it.


# This Report File Template measures Concurrent Modem Users 
Target[dial-in]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MaxBytes[dial-in]: 23
AbsMax[dial-in]: 23
Title[dial-in]: 3com Dial in Server 
PageTop[dial-in]: <H1>3com Dial-in Server</H1> 
Options[dial-in]: gauge,absolute,nopercent
YLegend[dial-in]: Modem Users 
ShortLegend[dial-in]: users 
Colours[dial-in]: GREEN#00eb0c,BLUE#0000ff,GRAY#AAAAAA,VIOLET#ff00ff 
Legend1[dial-in]: Concurrent Modem Users 
Legend3[dial-in]: Max value per interval on graph 
LegendI[dial-in]: Users:

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