
I have been looking for a relative simple way to setup databases, 
data gathering and some webpages to build a custom overview.

In it's most simple form I want a simple form to ask for an IP address and 
a community name and have it gather all the information for me and setup a 
custom graphs and databases.

As this will be a movable tool to help switching engineers to trouble 
shoot switching issues I need rather specific options I could not work out 
with tools like cricket and cacti.

Is anyone working on such an animal?

Building templates may be a bit harder as it will be done just once but 
getting the tool in place to monitor a switch or router should be relative 

I may try to get some time allocated to build such a tool in company time 
as it will shorten troubleshooting with a significant amount of time.

But if anyone is allready working on the exact issue It might be better to 
bundle our strengths.


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