On Tue, 15 Apr 2003, Bas Rijniersce wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to plot total memory and used memory. I put 4 values in the rrd
> memtot
> memfree
> swaptot
> swapfree
> I want to plot an area memtot and stack swaptot on it
> Over that i draw a line2 of (swaptot-swapfree)+(memtot-memfree)
> As a test I used CDEF:memuse=memtot,memfree,- on the stacked areas, that
> worked fine. But when I change the statement to:
> CDEF:memuse=memfree,swapfree,memtot,swaptot,+,-,-

This reads like:

        memuse = (memtot+swptot) - swapfree - memfree

If I am not mistaken.


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