On Mon, 21 Apr 2003, Tony wrote:

> However getting the graph to display as I want is a pain.
> I want to use the STACK option when drawing the graph but for some
> reason it changes the value down the left hand side of the graph, from
> correct whole numbers to decimal lower numbers.
> Let me explain.
> I am logging call stats from a dialup box.
> I am logging number of async calls, number of ISDN calls and the total
> of the 2, so 3 data values.

Hmm. If async+isdn=total then there is no need to store total. You can 
calculate it later.

> rrrdtool graph speed.gif  --start -1day -t "Call Sessions" \
>  --vertical-label Calls
> DEF:calls1=call-stats.rrd:async:LAST  \
> DEF:calls2=call-stats.rrd:isdn:LAST \
> DEF:calls3=call-stats.rrd:total:LAST \
> AREA:calls1#FF0000:Async GPRINT:calls1:LAST:"LAST\\:%.0lf" \
> STACK:calls2#0000FF:ISDN GPRINT:calls2:LAST:"LAST\\:%.0lf" \
> STACK:calls3#00C000:Total GPRINT:calls3:LAST:"LAST\\:%.0lf"

I would propose:

rrdtool graph speed.gif  --start -1day -t "Call Sessions"       \
        --vertical-label Calls                                  \
        DEF:async=call-stats.rrd:async:LAST                     \
        DEF:isdn=call-stats.rrd:isdn:LAST                       \
        CDEF:total=calls=isdn,async,+                           \
        AREA:async=#FF0000:Async                                \
        GPRINT:async:LAST:async:LAST:"Last \:%4.0lf"            \
        AREA:isdn=#0000FF:ISDN                                  \
        GPRINT:isdn:LAST:isdn:LAST:"Last \:%4.0lf"              \
        LINE1:total=#000000:Total                               \
        GPRINT:total:LAST:total:LAST:"Last \:%4.0lf"            \

Two area's stacked on top of one another and topped of by a line.

Pretty much the way I do on my CPU graphs on 

See the scripts on http://hvdkooij.xs4all.nl/stats/


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