At 05:28 2003-05-28, David IMANACHE wrote:
 >Hi everybody !
 >I'm using remstats and i've got some problems with my rrds.
 >I have made a rrd in order to graph dns stats for squid.
 >When rrds are updated some fields are not updated (the last three ones
 >(six in total)per example...).
 >I've verified oids in conf file and run manually the snmp-collector.the
 >result was that it doesn't collect all values i want.

run the snmp-collector with the -F and  -u flags, just to make sure that 
it's not a timing problem.  If it still doesn't get the values, try adding 
-d 2 and check that it's coming up with the correct community string.  How 
did you verify the OIDs?  Did you use an snmp tool to get the 
value?  Recent versions of remstats have a version of snmp-get.  I had 
nothing to do with the debian packaging, so I don't know which version they 
started with.

 >Where am i wrong?
 >thanks in advance
 >linux box : debian
 >remstats version : last remstats debian package
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