On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 10:48:57AM -0400, Dave Parrott wrote:
> Any Ideas or links where I can find the information?
> > gcc -c -I../src -I../gd1.3  -xO3 -xdepend [...]

You are using Sun Workshop/Forte compiler-flags with GCC. GCC doesn't
understand -xO3 (it's just -O3) and -xdepend (I don't know of any GCC
equivalent here).

I guess this happens automatically compiling RRD under Solaris (I've never
done that myself, but I know it from compiling other Perl modules). So you
have basically 2 choices if you want to compile RRD yourself:

1) Write a wrapper script for gcc (called 'mycc' or some such) that catches
all Sun compiler flags and converts them to GCC flags (-xO3 -> -O3, -KPIC ->
-fPIC, etc.) and then calls GCC. Of course the makefile must then call
'mycc' as C compiler.

2) Or you download a demo-version of Sun's compiler from their web-site for
free. It runs for 30 or 60 days (can't remember).

Hope that helps.


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