Hi all,

I have been very happy with the RRDTool,
I use some ASP and VBScript to retreive some statistics from a SQL database
and put them in RRD. This works Great !

The only problem is that my .ASP creates a .CMD file and i still have to
run it myself (once a month)

I have rebuilt my asp pages a little to also create a .pl file which i can
execute then on the webserver to generate automatic images, and here is
where i go wrong.
 the X-Axis configuration is hard to do (i know) but i had it figured out
and it worked nice with my rrdtool.exe but with my .pl it doesnt work. ( "
-x HOUR:12:DAY:1:DAY:1:24:%d" )
I keep getting

ERROR Graphing www.dummysitename.gov: invalid x-grid format

below is some of the perl code i  generate from my .asp file (i have
noticed that i had to change some stuff like -b for start time on the
create instead of -s but i think i found them all)

Please point me in te right direction as to fix this x-grid problem.

use RRDs;
RRDs::create ("www.dummysitename.gov.rrd ","-b 1057017822",
my $ERR=RRDs::error;  print "ERROR Creating www.dummysitename.gov: $ERR\n"
if $ERR;
RRDs::update ("www.dummysitename.gov.rrd","1057017823:33", "1057019630:37",
"1057021620:47", "1057023844:37", "1057026158:36", "1057027793:33",
"1057029543:37", "1057031649:37", "1057033737:33", "1057035724:36",
"1057037700:36", "1057039554:38", "1057041416:38", "1057043402:60", );
RRDs::update ("www.dummysitename.gov.rrd","1057045382:36","1057047358:39",
"1057049518:33", "1057051331:37", "1057053308:41", "1057055284:38",
"1057057268:40", "1057059255:37", "1057061228:43", "1057063203:40",
"1057065192:40", "1057067340:33", "1057069318:34", "1057071137:38",
"1057073279:38", );
RRDs::update ("www.dummysitename.gov.rrd","1057075270:35","1057077072:38",
"1057079243:32", "1057081034:60", "1057083017:36", "1057085172:36",
"1057086975:35", "1057088959:36", "1057091342:33", "1057092918:36",
"1057094893:36", "1057097085:35", "1057098863:36", "1057100842:37",
"1057102821:36", );
RRDs::update ("www.dummysitename.gov.rrd","1057104801:38","1057106805:62",
"1057108778:84", "1057110759:45", "1057112731:40", "1057114719:62",
"1057116705:61", "1057118677:60", "1057120662:60", "1057122646:60",
"1057124617:59", "1057130547:36", "1057133642:220", "1057137740:34",
"1057139549:46", );
RRDs::update ("www.dummysitename.gov.rrd","1057141661:40","1057143510:42",
"1057145501:44", "1057147471:42", "1057149451:43", "1057151431:41",
"1057153414:44", "1057155414:43", "1057157555:33", "1057159355:45",
"1057161340:43", "1057163491:34", "1057165340:39", "1057167274:40",
"1057169257:40", );
my $ERR=RRDs::error;  print "ERROR Updating www.dummysitename.gov: $ERR\n"
if $ERR;
RRDs::graph ("www.dummysitename.gov-perf.gif","-s 1057017823","-e
1059782071","-t www.dummysitename.gov Start: 2003-07-01 Eind: 2003-08-01","
-v Response tijd in Sec","-w 500","-h 200","-u 50","-r","-x
HOUR:12:DAY:1:DAY:1:24:%d","COMMENT:Aantal samples = 1298
","COMMENT:Threshold = 45 \n","COMMENT:Aantal samples over Threshold = 118

tijd onder Threshold","AREA:over#000000:Response tijd over Threshold");
my $ERR=RRDs::error;  print "ERROR Graphing www.dummysitename.gov: $ERR\n"
if $ERR;

Met vriendelijke groet

Frank Hooglander...
                                               A computer is almost human  
 Fortis ASR                                    except that it does not     
 ET Webservices                                blame                       
 Postbus 100, 3000 AC Rotterdam, Lokatie       its mistakes on other       
 Weena 70                                      computers.                  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                   

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