Hi all,
        I'm writing a perl script plugin for nagios that will store router
traffic info in a rrd, and print out the LAST values from the previous 5
minutes.  I will be using Cacti to actually generate and display the
graph, so I just need textual LAST values via a PRINT for what I'm
trying to do.  The code is generating and updating the rrd correctly,
but the RRDs::graph command is generating the following error:

ERROR while updating
/var/www/html/cacti/rra/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.1_Ethernet0.rrd: unknown
function 'SCALAR'

Here is the related code:

my ($start,$end) = (time-86400,time-300);
my ($averages,$xsize,$ysize) = RRDs::graph ("$dbfile.png", \
                       "--start=$start", \
                       "--end=$end", \
                       "DEF:bytesin=$dbfile:traffic_in:AVERAGE", \
                       "DEF:bytesout=$dbfile:traffic_out:AVERAGE", \
                       "CDEF:bitsin=bytesin,8,*", \
                       "CDEF:bitsout=bytesout,8,*", \
                       'PRINT:bitsin:LAST:%8.2lf%s', \

my $ERR=RRDs::error;
die "ERROR while updating $dbfile: $ERR\n" if $ERR;

But running the command line equivalent as the nagios user works fine:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] libexec $ rrdtool graph test.png --start=-86400 --end=-300
 CDEF:bitsin=bytesin,8,* CDEF:bitsout=bytesout,8,* PRINT:bitsin:LAST:"%8.2lf%s" 

I've been working all weekend on these few lines, and I know it's gotta
be right in front of me...  any takers?

Justin Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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