> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dayo Adeyeye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hello,
> Im setting up rrdtool to monitor some devices and im studying 
> the rrdtutorial by Alex. I need some help since i have very 
> little experience with scripting.........Alex gave the pseudo 
> code in his tutorial. Can someone please help me with a 
> simple perl scrip or shell script that can collect data for 
> me. That is, I'll just insert my snmpwalk commands and 
> execute the script so that it can collect data to fill a 
> database I have created on a Linux RedHat 8 box.
> Dayo Adeyeye

just a small sample > fillrrd.sh :


set -A if1in `snmpget -c $community $ipaddr .`
set -A if1out `snmpget -c $community $ipaddr .`
rrdtool update /usr/mrtg/"$box"_interface1.rrd N:${if1in[3]}:${if1out[3]}
# end of the script

Usage of this small script:
./fillrrd.sh ipaddresse Nameofthebox community
Be sure that the rrd Database already exist when you use this script.

kind regards

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