this is what i typed on cmd prompt:

rrdtool graph "c:\test.png" -s 1077529905 -e 1077530205 -t "Test"

.... and the error message is:
ERROR: can't parse 'def:xx=c:\mtrghtml\log\'

The mrtg config file worked perfectly until i implemented rrd tool, It had
the following:

Htmldir: c:\mrtghtml
Imagedir: c:\mrtghtml\img
Logdir: c:\mrtghtml\log
RunAsDaemon: Yes
--- and, of course the targets i wanted to monitor ---

After implementing rrd, I added :

pathadd: c:\rrdtool\bin
libadd: c:\rrdtool\perl-shared
logformat: rrdtool

When I try to dump the info of a rrd file into a .xml, no .xml file is

Maybe I did not implement rrd tool corectly, or I used the wrong
distribution pack....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Horak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ionescu Ionut" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [rrd-users] help a newbie pls

> Try to copy & paste your configuration files and error messages you get
> into your message...
> Ionescu Ionut wrote:
> >
> > Anyway... I've succeeeded in making rrd files for the device I was
> > trying to monitor...
> > However when I try to graph anything, I always get errors (like: can't
> > parse....).
> > All I want to do is to generate on-demand grahps regarding the traffic
> > flow for a given period of time... bits in and bits out for a specific
> > interface...... nothing more.
> >
> > Please, help me.... and thank you in advance....
> >

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